
29 December 2010


The best thing I got for Christmas: Time with Shawn to fall more madly and wildly in love. I spent a lot of time and money on everyone this year and I got a 40% return on my investment. Shawn cheered me up with an impromptu yarn shopping extravaganza the day after Christmas. I also think there's a present making its way to me from an order he placed online. But the closeness we renewed from the busy week over the nice long weekend truly was a gift. I'm so happy we're going to be married and paired together forever. I can't imagine going through life without him right next to me.

It seems like I have so much done for the wedding but I also have so much to do.

27 December 2010

Flowers, flowers, flowers!

That's almost the last thing to do for our wedding. It's one of the easiest things we have left to do also. I think I'm going to just go to a grocery store floral department with my floral order. I don't need but a few different kinds of flowers so I think that may keep cost down. My bouquet will be all sunflower with lots of greens around it like anise, ferns and the wider leaves. Something like this:
I just want big, irregular sized sunflowers in a big bunch with the middle of the stems covered with ribbon and a butterfly brooch my fiancee and I got on our first engagement ring shopping trip. For his boutonniere, I imagine something to match like this:

But I may just have it backed with a fern to look masculine and minimalist.

Groom in Shorts

I refuse to accept that our wedding planning is going on hold for Christmas. So I'm still researching my fiance's fashion choices he has made for the wedding. He loves pinstripe so we started off of that. Since I have gotten my dress and he found his shoes (hemp rope sandles with black straps) he has expressed that he wants to wear shorts.
I am all for my groom in shorts.

Sandals + Pants = Cheese. Who are we trying to fool? No one! This is a casual wedding now and my bare feet will be showing. So he will be wearing shorts, a shrug-sleeve notch tail jacket and a vest with dress shirt. In the perfect series of events we will find a pinstripe ensemble for him to this description that he will love.
Some of our family members raise an eyebrow to his choice but it is just that-- his choice and I happen to like it. He's unique in what he wears everyday; why should his wedding day be any different? The man never wears jeans. He wears flat front black pants every day of his life. With tee shirts and Vans. I love everything about him to death.
Besides, does this J Crew Couple look questionable?

10 December 2010

Second First Post

Today marks the 6-months to the day of our wedding.
My fiance and I have been through a lot as a couple the last three years. We have experienced death, life, fights, new pets, 3 moves, friends, trips, music, the list goes on... together. We are stronger after each new experience and I can't believe when I look back how much I am in love with him now and how much I though my heart would explode in years before from how much I loved him then, too.
I started this blog to make myself a timeline of the last 6 months that I'll ever be unmarried again. Time is going to go fast and I don't want to forget any of the things going on between now and then.

09 December 2010

First Post

    On December 10, 2010 I will be hosting my very own Wedding Blog here. It will be a combonation of inspiration and ideas with pictures. It will also be my personal 6 month countdown relaying what is not in the wedding magazines to any readers. Not just the fluff-talk about dresses and centerpieces, but also what you feel like when you're getting married; The kinds of thoughts you have; and the new feelings you get in light of one of the biggest changes of your life. It will hopefully give soon-to-be-engaged's and new fiancees the feeling that they have someone who is there with them.
    This is not an advice blog unless someone asks specifically for some. The experiences and thoughts I share are not offered as advice but if they help someone who finds the blog, that is great. This is simply a mixed media, real-time synopsis of my metaphorical change from young, daisy-loving girl to a mature, Sunflower-loving Wife.