
20 February 2013

26 Weeks Pregnant

 Everything is starting to really stretch out with the baby weighing over a pound now, especially in the positions s/he prefers to lie. At the first prenatal with the Midwife on Saturday, her nurse-practitioner (Midwife was actually delivering a baby and coudln't make it) felt my belly for baby's position and said it's already upside down!
YAY! Stay, baby, stay.
Baby has lately been hanging out either directly up and down with his or her butt behind my belly button (feels like my hips are breaking!), or to either side with his or her head in one side of my pelvis and the bum on the opposite side up behind my navel. I get lots of kicks to the sides of my belly and to my stomach and little punches down lower in my hips and bladder area. They're forceful and also visible to the outside. I might have to video this for you all to see.

As for me, I'm still puking. I have resigned to being one of the very few  women who puke the entire pregnancy. My mom even asked me if I was sure I didn't have the flu... Maybe baby-flu.
I can deal with it on a daily basis to my best ability but the thing that really sucks still is the lack of understanding from others in my community.
No one will help me and approve me for FMLA hours (that I EARNED all YEAR) for puking and the Midwife's office kind of didn't want to fill them out at all.  UM  I NEED THOSE so I can leave work for Prenatal Appointments that will occur during work hours... like the next one that is already scheduled. The Midwife's office doesn't know what kind of people I work with and this entire commuity has very little understanding of FMLA laws (especially for pregnancy).
For once in my life I am asking for what I need when I need it and I am refused help. WTF?
I told Shawn I hope I get a "warm-fuzzy" sometime at the Midwife's place or I'll only be slightly more comfortable there on baby's Birthday than I would at a good hospital.
I cry a lot lately and I blame hormones, sleepiness and stress. All the stress, it should be noted, is from trying to work full time while still having to puke all the time. The more stressed I am, the more I puke. And then I cry. It's getting vicious after 5 months of this.
I just want it to be May so I can have our baby and stop puking!!!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you are still sick, and it hasn't let up yet. :(

    Sending you positive vibes, in hopes that you get some help with sorting out your FMLA hours. I know you said there isn't a lot of support of it in your community, but maybe there is an advocacy group somewhere in your state? Big hugs, lady!

  2. So sorry that you're still feeling so sick and that you can't get the help you need. People can be so non-understanding until something actually happens to them. Hang in there, love. Here's hoping May will get here soon.

  3. ugh! I feel for you girl! what a hard ride we have had! Definitely extra hard holding down our careers! many many hugs!

  4. Ugh, what a vicious cycle. I don't understand why they won't sign the forms? What is there reasoning? That being said, I'm glad you are standing up for yourself. Keep it up. And they have no thoughts about the nausea and what to do about it? Poor, poor you. Pamper yourself, dearie :)

  5. Awww congrats....such an exciting time!


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