
29 January 2013

50 Shades of... Blue

I am virtually sitting in a pile of paint strips. All of them are blue.
I say virtually because they're all in a pile on the Pinterest Baby board.
No, we didn't have another ultrasound and see anything... We just like blue. My nursery was blue and I just really love the look of it with the rug for the baby room we bought, so blue is the color we'll paint the walls.

If you all would be so kind as to stroll through the colors below and vote on one at the end, it would be very appreciated!
Here is the reference photo of the rug:

Now scroll!

Impromptu Blue by Sherwin Willaims

Resonant Blue by Sherwin Williams

Paddington Blue by Benjamin Moore

Dazzle by Sherwin Williams
Blue Dragon by Benjamin Moore
Flyway by Sherwin Williams

Dynamic Blue by Sherwin Williams
 And vote!
Which Blue do you like best? free polls 


  1. How cool! A poll! Blue is my favorite color. I'm so jealous that you are in the nesting and planning phase. I love planning things. Keep us posted as you go along :)

  2. @JustMe, thanks!
    I'm jealous you are in the drink-wine phase of planning ;o)

    We'll let everyone know what color we choose with before/after pics too!

  3. Blue is a great choice! They're all pretty, but I voted for the Impromptu shade.

  4. I think it's cool your color palette isn't traditional pastels. I voted for blue dragon. I love periwinkle and any shade of it.

  5. I voted for the first one, but only because the blue looked closest to the blue in the rug. I always have the hardest time looking at colors online though, since they look so different once they're up on your walls. Definitely get some paint samples once you've narrowed down your choices!

  6. I like flyaway - not too dark and not too too bright either. Seems just like the sky!


Give me some love! Your comments make my day.