
25 January 2013

It's Friday, I'm in LoVE... still!!! #40

It's been about 10 weeks since I posted one of these! Oh well!

Today I Love me because:
  1. I am in LOVE with my big belly! It's soooo cute! I want to feel like this towards my dry, peely pregnant face too.
  2. I cooked dinner everyday last week and some days of this week!
  3. I am getting serious about pattern writing and selling my crochet stuff.
  4. I drink lots of water.
  5. I'm being much nicer to myself than I used to be before.
Have a nice weekend and leave a comment below telling me what you're loving about YOU this week!


  1. Happy Friday!! I think you should def. sell your crochet patterns...your stuff is amazing!!

    I think it's great how much you love your pregnant self and belly....more women should be like this...we should embrace how beautiful a pregnant woman is, not wallow in the weight or this or that (though I understand the occasional melt down over things like this is totally justified during this stressful time!) anyway, have a great weekend!

  2. So glad you're feeling great! What I'm loving about myself right now? Reading to my grandchildren at matter how sleepy I AM MYSELF (from too much computer time). :-)

  3. What Laura said! Your positive attitude inspires me. I'm loving that I've made progress with my writing projects over the past couple weeks.

  4. Great list and I love that last week I had a chance to just sit down, relax and read a few of my favourite magazines. It's such a treat for me. Muah, sweetie.


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